Concert performance for One Circle at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 


The One Circle held four different worship sessions on the 24th to 25th at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, with the theme of "HEART Heart", looking forward to welcoming in busy urban life. By letting people have a breathing space, they can find the pulse of their own soul in God's presence and experience the renewal of their minds.

「同心圓敬拜者使團」在3月24-25日於灣仔伊利沙伯體育館舉辦了兩日四場不同的敬拜聚會,主題為「HEART 心」,盼望在忙碌的都市生活中透過敬拜讓人有喘息的空間,能在神同在中尋回自己心靈的脈搏,經歷心意更新。 

When: March 24-25, 2018
Where: Queen Elizabeth Stadium

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