Dream Comes True - Orchestra performance at HKCEC


The concert started off with the theme Gonna Fly Now from the film Rocky, alongside real-time and three-dimensional images of visionary dreamers sprinting on the screens created with the aid of AR technology. The passionate beat of the music and the images gave the audience a thrilling audio-visual experience, encouraging them to chase down their dreams with perseverance.

The VTC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus then performed heart-touching pieces including the theme score of the film Batman & Robin, the final song Ain't No Mountain High Enough featured in the film Sister Act 2, and Symphony No.9 in E minor "From the New World":4th Movement. Singer Joyce CHENG was invited as the special guest of the concert, crooning her signature songs on the pursuit of dreams.

When: September 1, 2017 

Where: Hong Kong Conventional and Exhibition Centre

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